The weekend

We ended up not going to the Fireworks show at the floating stage last night, the sky decided to pour while we were getting change (it was only spitting then). So we did what we usually do on Fridays, go have dinner at TP and return our videos for new ones. I felt sad that we didn’t go to the fireworks but with a kid, standing in the rain is no child’s play and I really don’t want her to suffer the consequence.

To make the weekend even worse, I woke up with a slight neck ache which eventually escalated into a  major neck strain. I can’t turn my head to the left and every now and then, there would a aching sensation which tightens my neck and left shoulder. When that happens, I would freeze no matter where/what. Bathing was an issue and so is changing in and out of clothes. Rae has been such a sweet heart, she helped me with my changing, combed my hair, arranged my pillows, put the clothes in the laundry basket etc. She even gave me two sessions of hand massages, melts my heart.

This morning, Hubba gave me two painkillers cum muscle relaxant which helped. The downside is , it makes me drowsy and so Hubba had to entertain Rae while I napped. Usually I don’t feel so bad about leaving him to entertain Rae, but because he was rushing to mark a few stacks of exam scripts this weekend; I felt awful. I still have the aches now and a hot water bottle stuck on my neck to relive the pain. Sure hope it goes away soon. Preferably before I leave for work tomorrow.

2 Responses to “The weekend”

  1. Karen Says:


    Hope ur neck is better now

    My hub was marking scripts over the weekend too:(

  2. Valencia Says:

    tks for asking. Much better today, but was battling to stay awake as the med causes drowsyness.

    hahaha now I have khaki to ‘grumble’ when Hubba have to mark scripts. Am glad he’s done for now.

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